Up to 50% off on selected items.
- Discount is valid from 17 December 2024 (10:00am SGT) to 3 February 2025 (11:59pm) at Sephora NEX store (during store opening hours) while stocks last. -
- Offer is applicable only to selected items and may not apply to all products from the same brand, line or range, or to all variations of the same product. -
- Offer is not valid with other discounts, Beauty Pass offers and promotions. -
- Offer is not valid on gift cards, services, charitable items or any other exclusions mentioned in-store. -
- Offered product is not refundable or exchangeable except as required by law. -
Please check details at https://www.sephora.sg/sale
Sephora is located at #01-35/36/37.